Crystal cruises for the new yorker
Concepted, developed and executed a monthly series of advertorial pages featuring custom illustrative maps showcasing Crystal Cruises various routes, designed to captivate attention and pique interest and engagement. Advertorials ran on the inside cover of The New Yorker.

Created a high-impact three page gatefold unit, designed to grab Condé Nast readers' attention, capitalizing on the momentum following their recent Readers' Choice Award win. This (3) page insertion highlights the diverse attractions on Hilton Head Island.

Las vegas CVA for bon appétit
Ideated, concepted and produced a custom four page print unit showcasing all of the amazing cuisine that Las Vegas has to offer. This unit was developed for Las Vegas in partnership and collaboration with five hotel and resort chains.
This piece was part of a promotional package for Vegas Uncork'd – a 5,000 person food festival featuring 25+ events hosted by Bon Appetit across the Las Vegas strip.